Observatory Links
Refreshed at 0026 UTC on 14 Feb. 2025
This is a list of MPC- or DSN-coded observatories that have appeared in A/CC reporting on comet and asteroid tracking since late 2004 and for which we have Web site addresses. This page is generated from the same database used to produce A/CC's semi-automated news pages. Please tell us if you find mistakes or bad links, or if you know of new or better links.
Note that, as compared with country listings, the alphabetical listings here include more details, such as program codes and alternate observatory names.
What's new
A/CC's database of participating observatories is updated frequently. Here are some of the changes made for those that have Web links.
2008 - 2022
- 6 Oct. '22 - The Minor Planet Center posted MPEC 2022-T98 announcing a reorganization of observatory codes for Maunakea in Hawaii: 568 and T09 through T17
- 18 Sept. '22 - First MPEC with observations from the Webb Space Telescope in Earth-Sun L2 HALO orbit, MPC code 274
- 10 Feb. '22 - First MPEC with observations from ATLAS Chile, MPC code W68
- 3 Jan. '22 - First MPEC with observations from ATLAS Sutherland in South Africa, MPC code M22
- 9 Nov. '21 - First MPEC with observations coded as being from the ESO La Silla Astrovirtel virtual telescope, MPC code I03
- 2 Sept. '21 - First MPEC with observations from Gaia in Sun–Earth L2 Lissajous orbit, MPC code 258
- 15 Aug. '20 - First MPEC with observations from Grainger Observatory at Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire, MPC code W90
- 12 Aug. '20 - First MPEC with observations coded specifically to the 2.5m Nordic Optical Telescope on La Palma in the Canary Islands, MPC code Z23. NOT observations previously were credited to the 950 MPC code for the entire La Palma facility, also known as Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (plus some were coded to J50, the Nordic Near-Earth-Object Network).
- 29 July '20 - First MPEC with observations from Central Washington University Observatory in Washington state, MPC code U65
- 25 July '20 - First MPEC with observations from Keck Observatory at Pacific Lutheran University in Washington state, MPC code 917
- 7 March '20 - First MPEC with observations from Purple Mountain Observatory Yaoan Station in China, MPC code O49
- 25 Feb. '20 - First MPEC with observations from Al Sadeem Observatory in Abu Dhabi, MPC code M43, and from Tartu University's Tartu Observatory in Estonia, MPC code L75
- 12 May '19 - Added Wayne F. Cashwell observatory codes for Slooh.com in Chile (MPC code W88 program code 10 encoded !) and the Canary Islands (MPC code G40 program code 16 = ')
- 4 Jan. '19 - First MPEC with the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) in Earth orbit, MPC code C57
- 27 Nov. '18 - First MPEC with the Canadian NEO Surveillance Satellite (NEOSSat) in Earth orbit, MPC code C53
- 3 Sept. '17 - MPC code V06 first appears in an MPEC for the Catalina Sky Survey Kuiper Telescope
- 5 Aug. '17 - We have relinked all observatory program code listings for Ovidiu Vaduvescu to EURONEAR (new Web site), the project he leads with a European team of professional, amateur, and student astronomers using new and archived observations from large telescopes on La Palma and Mauna Kea, and previously on La Silla and Cerro Tololo
- 12 July '17 - First MPEC with JAXA Space Tracking & Communication Center (STCC) in Japan, MPC code P93
- 25 June '17 - Changed URL for Northolt Branch Observatory in England, MPC code Z80
- 21 June '17 - Added URL for Dettelbach Vineyard Observatory in Germany, MPC code K87
- 23 April '17 - First MPEC with Texas A&M Physics Observatory in Texas, MPC code H32
- 17 April '17 - Doc Greiner Research Observatory in New Mexico name changed to Harlingten Research Observatory, MPC code G48
- 6 March '17 - First MPEC with San Pedro Martir Observatory in Baja California, Mexico, MPC code 679
- 30 Nov. '16 - First MPEC with the Kepler Space Telescope in Earth-trailing heliocentric orbit (in the DOU, a discovery from January 2015), MPC code C55
- 4 Oct. '16 - First MPEC with the ESA Test-Bed Telescope in Cebreros, Spain, MPC code Z58 (info).
Added URL for Laver Observatory in England, MPC code Z87
- 21 Sept. '16 - First MPEC with LCOGT Haleakala (Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network) in Hawaii, telescope OGG B#2, MPC code T04
- 21 Feb. '16 - First MPEC with observations from the University of Leuven (Belgium) 1.2m Mercator Telescope at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on La Palma Island, MPC code Z20
- 2 Feb. '16 - First MPEC with observations from the ESO VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS) using the VISTA (Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy) 4.1m telescope at Cerro Paranal in Chile, MPC code W91
- 30 Oct. '15 - Changed URL for ROASTERR-1 observatory in Romania, MPC code L04
- 28 Oct. '15 - First MPEC with observations (a discovery) from an ATLAS Project telescope on Haleakala in Hawaii, MPC code T05
- 10 Sept. '15 - First MPEC with observations from an ATLAS Project telescope, on Mauna Loa in Hawaii, MPC code T08
- 9 Sept. '15 - Changed URL for Maidbronn Observatory in Germany, MPC code B82
- 10 April '15 - First MPEC with observations from Pan-Starrs 2 on Haleakala in Hawaii, MPC code F52
- 24 Nov. '14 - Added URL for Povegliano Veronese Observatory in Italy, MPC code A48, identified in A/CC news heretofore as "Verona Obs."
- 30 Aug. '14 - Changed URL for Tentlingen Observatory in Switzerland, MPC code A16
- 17 July '14 - First MPEC with observations from Slooh.com's Chile Observatory, MPC code W88
- 29 May '14 - First MPEC reporting observations from the U.S. Air Force 3.5m Space Surveillance Telescope (SST) on Atom Peak within the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, MPC code G45
- 30 Nov. '13 - Added URL for Blue Mountains Observatory in New South Wales, MPC code Q68
- 9 Nov. '13 - First MPEC with Belgrade Observatory's Vidojevica Station in Serbia, MPC code C89
- 24 Sept. '13 - Added URL for Madonna di Dossobuono Observatory in Italy, MPC code 560
- 3 July '13 - First MPEC with LCOGT Siding Spring (Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network) in New South Wales, telescope B, MPC code Q64
- 21 June '13 - First MPEC with Lowell Observatory's Discovery Channel Telescope (4.3m DCT at Happy Jack) in Arizona, MPC code G37
- 28 March '13 - First MPEC with LCOGT Sutherland in South Africa, telescope C, MPC code K93
- 27 Nov. '12 - First MPEC with LCOGT Cerro Tololo in Chile, telescopes A and B, MPC codes W85 and W86
- 2 Oct. '12 - First MPEC with observations from the New Horizons mission KBO search project using the Subaru, CFHT & Magellan telescopes, MPC codes 266, 267, 268 & 269 in Hawaii & Chile
- 29 Sept. '12 - First MPEC with observations from Slooh.com's Canary Islands Observatory, MPC code G40
- 9 Sept. '12 - Added URL for Baxter Garden Observatory in England, MPC code I74
- 6 March '12 - Added URL for Olmen Observatory in Belgium, MPC code C23
- 4 Feb. '12 - First MPEC with observations from Keystone College's Cupillari Observatory in Pennsylvania, MPC code I17
- 4 Feb. '12 - First MPEC with observations from Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter in Arizona, MPC code G84
- 13 Jan. '12 - First MPEC with observations from the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona, MPC code G83
- 22 Dec. '11 - First MPEC with observations from TUBITAK National Observatory (TUG) in Turkey, MPC code A84
- 27 Oct. '11 - Added URL for Grange Observatory in Italy, MPC code 476
- 14 Oct. '11 - First MPEC with observations from Doc Greiner Research Observatory's Rancho Hidalgo station in New Mexico, MPC code G48
- 11 Aug. '11 - First MPEC with observations from UWA Observatory in Western Australia, MPC code D22
- 14 July '11 - Changed URL for Modra Observatory in Slovakia, MPC code 118
- 25 May '10 - Added URL for Altamira Observatory in the Canary Islands, MPC code J24
- 17 May '10 - Changed URL for Astronomical Research Observatory Westfield, MPC code H21 (link found to be dead in early May 2016)
- 27 March '10 - The Southern Observatory for Astrophysical Research (SOAR) 4.1m telescope first appears in MPECs, MPC code I33
- 1 March '10 - Added URL for Shenton Park Observatory aka Luckas Observatory in Western Australia, MPC code D21
- 22 Jan. '10 - First MPEC with observations from the WISE space observatory in Earth polar orbit, MPC code C51
- 7 Nov. '09 - The new Westfield, Illinois location, MPC code H21, for Astronomical Research Observatory first appears in MPECs (link found to be dead in early May 2016)
- 12 June '09 - The Pan-STARRS prototype observatory PS1 on Haleakala in Hawaii, MPC code F51, first appears in MPECs with observations from Oct.-Nov. 2008
- 2 June '09 - Added URL for Libbiano Observatory in Italy, MPC code B33
- 14 March '09 - Doc Greiner Research Observatory in Wisconsin, MPC code H26, first appears in MPECs
- 13 March '09 - The Liverpool Telescope in the Canary Islands, MPC code J13, first appears in MPECs
- 9 March '09 - Changed format for listing MPC observatory program codes that have appeared in A/CC reporting
- 6 Nov. '08 - Added URL for El Guijo Observatory in Spain, MPC code J27
- 25 Aug. '08 - Added URL for Guadarrama Observatory in Spain, MPC code 458
- 11 Aug. '08 - Added URL for Capannoli Observatory in Italy, MPC code B09
- 11 July '08 - Chabot Observatory in northern California, MPC code G58, and Tzec Maun Observatory in New Mexico, MPC code D25, first appear in MPECs
- 12 May '08 - Added URL for Mirasteilas Observatory in Switzerland, MPC code B67
- 31 March '08 - First posting of this script-generated page, replacing an old manually-maintained observatories page
- 27 March '08 - Added EURONEAR project to ESO La Silla Observatory in Chile, MPC code 809 program 32 code |
- 25 March '08 - Added URL for Corner Observatory in Germany, MPC code B50
- 11 March '08 - Added URL for LAMP Observatory in Arizona, MPC code G88
- 6 March '08 - STEREO spacecraft A and B, MPC codes C49 and C50, first appear in MPECs
- 12 Feb. '08 - Changed URL for Farra d'Isonzo Observatory in Italy, MPC code 595
- 18 Jan. '08 - Reconnected CEAMIG-REA in Brazil after a reader reported that the old link no longer worked, MPC code I77
Observatories, alphabetically
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
- IAS Observatory Hakos - 221 - Namibia
- Inastars Observatory - B15 - Germany
- Indian Hill North Observatory - H75 - Ohio
- Iowa Robotic Observatory - 857 - Arizona
- Irmtraut Observatory - A21 - Germany
- Ironwood North Observatory (INO) - F60 - Hawaii
- Ironwood Remote Observatory (IRO) - F59 - Hawaii
- Isle of Man Observatory - 987 - Isle of Man
- ISON New Mexico Observatory - H15 - New Mexico
- iTelescope Chile - X07 - Chile
- code 0 program 0 - Hidetaka Sato
- code 2 program 2 - M. Suzuki
- code 3 program 3 - T. Prystavski
- code 6 program 6 - W. Clark
- code 9 program 9 - T. Lovejoy
- code % program 14 - J.-C. Merlin
- iTelescope Observatory Auberry - U69 - northern California
- code 1 program 1 - Ernesto Guido
- code 4 program 4 - Erik Bryssinck
- code 5 program 5 - Hidetaka Sato
- code 6 program 6 - P.S. Lau
- code 9 program 9 - Steven M. Tilley
- code " program 11 - M. Suzuki
- code $ program 13 - Marian Urbanik
- code ( program 17 - B. Haeusler
- code ) program 18 - D. Brandt
- code * program 19 - T. Teerasak
- code _ program 29 - G. van Buitenen
- code ; program 36 - T. Prystavski
- iTelescope Observatory Beryl Jct. - U94 - Utah
- code 0 program 0 - Hidetaka Sato
- code 1 program 1 - T. Prystavski
- code 2 program 2 - D. De Martin
- code 3 program 3 - J.-C. Merlin
- code 4 program 4 - M. Suzuki
- code 5 program 5 - F.D. Romanov
- code 6 program 6 - K. Yoshimoto
- code 7 program 7 - N. Falla
- code 8 program 8 - Mike Mattiazzo
- code " program 11 - Marian Urbanik
- code # program 12 - N. Paul
- code $ program 13 - G. Baj
- iTelescope Observatory Mayhill aka formerly RAS Observatory - H06 - New Mexico
- code 2 program 2 - Robert Hutsebaut
- code 6 program 6 - Andrew Lowe
- code 8 program 8 - Peter Lake
- code # program 12 - M. Suzuki
- code % program 14 - Ernesto Guido
- code * program 19 - Rolando Ligustri
- code , program 21 - Bill Dillon
- code . program 23 - Cristovao Jacques
- code [ program 25 - Paul Camilleri
- code \ program 26 - B. Conklin
- code _ program 29 - M. Nissinen
- code ` program 30 - Erik Bryssinck
- code | program 32 - Hidetaka Sato
- code ~ program 34 - B. Hausler
- iTelescope Observatory Moorook - D90 - South Australia
- code 6 program 6 - Andrew Lowe
- code 8 program 8 - Peter Lake
- code * program 19 - Rolando Ligustri
- code . program 23 - Cristovao Jacques
- code \ program 26 - B. Conklin
- code ` program 30 - Kevin Hills
- code { program 31 - Erik Bryssinck
- code | program 32 - Hidetaka Sato
- iTelescope Observatory Nerpio - I89 - Spain
- code 4 program 4 - M. Suzuki
- code " program 11 - Cristovao Jacques
- code ' program 16 - Steven M. Tilley
- code ( program 17 - T. Prystavski
- code * program 19 - Marian Urbanik
- code + program 20 - Mike Mattiazzo
- code . program 23 - B. Lutkenhoner
- code [ program 25 - B. Haeusler
- code : program 35 - K. Yoshimoto
- iTelescope Observatory Siding Spring - Q62 - New South Wales
- code 0 program 0 - Ernesto Guido
- code 1 program 1 - Hidetaka Sato
- code 2 program 2 - Marian Urbanik
- code 3 program 3 - Rolando Ligustri
- code 4 program 4 - J. Jahn
- code 5 program 5 - Cristovao Jacques
- code 6 program 6 - Erik Bryssinck
- code 8 program 8 - N. Falla
- code ! program 10 - Peter Lake
- code & program 15 - Artyom Novichonok
- code ( program 17 - P.S. Lau
- code [ program 25 - M. Suzuki
- code ] program 27 - Tony Evans
- code ` program 30 - Steven M. Tilley
- code { program 31 - Nirmal Paul
- code | program 32 - Sergio Foglia
- code ; program 36 - Mike Mattiazzo
- code ? program 40 - B. Lutkenhoner
- code @ program 41 - D. Brandt
- Iturrieta Observatory - J44 - Spain
Observatories by country
This is a cross listing with simple details. For some observatories there are more details (e.g., program codes) to be found in their alphabetical listings.
Argentina | Australia | Austria | Belarus | Belgium | Bolivia | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | Chile | China | Colombia | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | England | Estonia | Finland | France | Georgia | Germany | Hungary | India | Isle of Man | Israel | Italy | Japan | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Mexico | Morocco | Namibia | Netherlands | New Zealand | Northern Ireland | Norway | Romania | Russia | Scotland | Serbia | Slovakia | Slovenia | South Africa | South Korea | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Taiwan | Turkey | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United States | Uruguay | Venezuela | Wales | Space
- Australian Capital Territory
- New South Wales
- Queensland
- South Australia
- Victoria
- Western Australia
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Nova Scotia
- Ontario
- Quebec
Czech Republic
Isle of Man
New Zealand
Northern Ireland
South Africa
South Korea
United Arab Emirates
United States
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Florida
- Hawaii
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Puerto Rico
- Rhode Island
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Utah
- Washington state
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
Other lists
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